Kendo Equipment For Sale

The modern Japanese martial art kendo is actually originated from swordsmanship and uses shinai and bogu. Nowadays it is extensively practiced within Japan and many other nations across the globe. The purpose of this is to associate with others with sincerity, to cultivate a vigorous spirit, to mold the mind and the body. If you are thinking to learn this, then you need to grab the kendo equipments. But the question is from what should you buy? If you never introduced to kendo, then you may have to face some problems to start. Varieties of kendo equipments for sale are available in the market. Nothing to worry about, here is what you want.

• Wooden sword(Bokuto)
• Training suits (Keikogi,Hakama)
• Set of armour (Bogu)

– Shinai:Shinaiis used for practice in kendo. This bamboo sword is various in length and weight. This weapon is invented to reduce a huge number of practitioners from getting injured. Basically, you should choose a Shinai according to your age, not by physical features. If, you use a shorter or heavier shinai against your opponent then it will be difficult for you to strike your opponent.

– Bokuto: Bokuto is a sword made of wood. If you are a beginner then you can start only with the Bokuto because it is the safest substitute of the real sword. This sword does not need any high care and maintenance because of wooden construction.

– Keikogi & Hakama: Not everyone knows how keikogi and hakama should look like and that’s why you should be very careful while choosing the keikogi and hakama. If you are an adult beginner then you should try the navy blue color. Kids up to 10 years old can try Mushashi pattern. Do not go for the cheapest but reasonable price.

– Bogu: In Japanese Bogu means protector. It contains mask or “men”, hand guards or “kote”, body protector or “Do”, thigh protector or “tare”. This set of armour is the most important to protect yourself. It is very lightweight and provides the user a plenty comfort. Stick with the tradition, do not buy fancy equipment. Try to buy the Bogu with the size, because if it is loose or too much tight then it would not protect you.

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